Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Training Wednesday / Friday

Date: 30 January 2012 11:42
Subject: Training Wednesday / Friday

Hello all
Just a quick note about training this week.We are still due to train with Berserkers this Wednesday.However,ive managed to book an indoorhall all of our own for thisFriday.I know the time does nt suit well ... its from 7pm to 8.30 pm.I ve only booked it for this Friday( confirmed booking but we have the option of booking it at the same time up until April.it costs 350 sek per hour so the more people that come, the cheaper it is.The location is Valhamra Ishall / Sportshall.. not too far from Partille centrum and its on a busroute.im going to go up there today if i can and see is it OK....
The reason i booked it that the hall seemed a liitle cramped last wednesday with so many people in it.This way we can do our own thing.Let me know how you feel about.
Let me know if you still intend to go training wed night or wait until Friday night.
i have looked at other halls in Centrum and West and there is a good possibity we can get these too.(PĂ„velundsskolan and Askim Sportshall) but at a later date--

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