Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pan Europen Football Copenhagen Build Up

PRO Europe

Evening all,
Some build up of the upcoming European Pan European Tournament in Copenhagen.




Brian Clerkin European GAA PRO

Gothenburg GAA Newsletter September 2012

Hello all and welcome to Gothenburg GAA newsletter for September .. here is the latest news !!
Training will take place next Tuesday 4 september at Kviberg ( Pitch 17 ) .Even though the season is nearly finished and not everyone is attending Copenhagen, we would ask everybody to attend so that  a/ the people going to Copenhagen get good match practice and b / for the fitness itself.The weather is good for next week so no excuses !!!
Training also takes place on Hisingen ( Bjurslattskolan )  as an additional session on thursday... see facebook for more details... try and make the Tuesday one though !!
Pan-Euros Copenhagen
Information on those attending and travel details etc will be sent on an additional mail but in short,we are sending a full ladies team and more than likely the boys wull be combining with Oslo for the mens competition.Quite an historic day in that for the first time in the clubs history we will be sending two teams to a European GAA competition.After a very successful Malmo competition, the hunger is there now to kick on and achieve something great in Copenhagen .
Gothenburg GAA Golf Classic
On Saturday September 8th , Gothenburg GAA is holding the 2nd edition of the Gothenburg GAA Golf classic at Lerjedalen GK Gunnilse.This fundraising event will hopefully raise some much needed funds for the club.There has been a good take up so far but the more the merrier.Even if you d'ont play golf , it would be great if you could attend later in the day for the craic and help out the club and have some drinks at the bar and meet members of the club.I am trying to organise music that evening but if u are musically inclined , bring it along for a good sing-song.The buffet dinner in the evening time will be 50 sek and i will have further info on times etc during the week.Also, we are having a raffle of spot prizes.We have some already but if you or your companies could donate something small for the day, we'll promise them a link on our webite.The proceeds of the raffle will go to Cancer Research Sweden so all in all, a very good reason to come along.Even though the golf is finished early afternoon,we would still like people to come along and spend and evening with friends and foe alike.( If you are taking the bus , the nearest bus stop is Angereds Kyrka.You can get the 521 mot Stenared from Polhelmplatsen or the Orange express mot Gråbo from Centralstationen.)
Fundraising and Sponsorship
There has been some great work in the last few weeks with this.Mia has worked so hard and procured some sponsorship with a / the Lokal Bar and restaurang and b / her father 's company.Therese Nordberg has also procured sponsorship from her contact company .All of these monies are going towards the buying of the ladies new kit ( which is richly deserved.) There is hopefully an express order winging its way to the Irish company next week so that the ladies will have their new kit for Copenhagen( fingers crossed )
In other areas, I have been in negotiations with North and South pub and restaurant on Viktoriagatan about possible future sponsorship and having a fundraising quiz night over the winter.I hope to have some news in the next few weeks but the quiz is a definite goer with the possibility that we may take a percentage of the takings that night.Details still have to be ironed out.
New members
We 'd like to shout out a big welcome to Triona Byrne who arrives to us from Kildare in Ireland.Triona is here to study and will only be with us for a short while but is up for the game and the craic ! Triona is a camogie player back home but will give the big ball game a lash nonetheless..
welcome Triona and we hope you enjoy your stay.Anything we can do to help , just let us know !!
Gothenburg GAA abu !!!
Is mise le meas
Billy Finn
Gothenburg GAA Club

The draws for Saturday II

Hello all

Just a quick note to all.

Now it seems Malmo do NOT have players to give us ( for the men )  so we'll just have to wait and see what we get down there ... just found this out about an hour ago.

See ye saturday


The draws for Saturday

Hey all
Some comments
  1. We will have to leave at 5.30 am sharp  nowfrom outside the Dubliners .First match for the Gothenburg  ladies is 9am and its a 3hr plus drive.The ladies will have to go straight to the dressing rooms and change and then Kevin or myself  will take you for a warm up. .( Mia & Stina... make sure you get there in time !).Ridiculous  time to start.I will try and see can we get our start time changed but i dont think so.The schedule is as follows :
Ladies... Match1 vs Stockholm  9am
               Match 2 vs Belgium    11am
              Match 3 vs Holland 1pm
Mens  Match 1 vs Paris / Lyon    9.40am
           Match 2 vs Belgium B       11am.
For the first match, we will have a coach/ trainer on the sideline  for the ladies and will try and do same for 2nd match even though mens and ladies start at the same time..These things never go to plan so we may be fine.
It says on the PDF that the changing rooms are very close to the evening venue but the plan is ( pending our involvement in finals ) is that once both teams are ready , we pile back into the minibus and head straight for the hotel.The latest the men can be finshed pitchside  is 5pm and for the ladies 6.30pm.Oncewe are ready at the hotel , we head straight out to the Venue where the meal is on.I guarantee it will not start at 7.30pm and even if it does , the queues will be long for the food.So the plan is to stay a while and take the minibuses back into town for whoever wants to go back in.This will save time and effort as taxis from there will be a nightmare with people wanting to go back into town from the meal venue.We deposit the buses either back at the hotel or at an overnight carpark in the centre and then head into town.. We found pictures of the venue and basically it is a local townhall with tables and chairs with a kitchen attached.With upwards of 250 players , the place will be choccers.!!!!
have a look at the attached file and any questions let me know ... see ye all bright and early now !!!


Between 27 and 30 September 2012, Ireland Literature Exchange, in co-operation with the Irish Embassy in Stockholm, will host a showcase of Irish authors at the Göteborg Book Fair.
This will be a unique opportunity for readers and publishers of literature in Nordic territories to experience Irish literature in a live and stimulating way.
Seminars and special interviews, held at venues around the fair, will see award-winning writers Colm Tóibín, Paul Muldoon, Siobhán Parkinson, Kevin Barry, Paul Murray, John Boyne, Sebastian Barry and Éilís Ní Dhuibhne reading from their work and talking about subjects as wide-reaching as the writer and the city, children's writing and historical writing.


Details about Copenhagen trip

Hello all
The following people have confirmed they will travel to Copenhagen.Not all will play though.
Jessica / Madde / Mia / Triona / Stina / Josefin / Therese ( injured & c'ant play) / Maria Grundstrom ( may still travel but probably wont play )
Arjet & Siret from Estonia have to confirm if they will travel but even so the numbers are still pretty good.More than likely we will be asked to take players from other teams so it will be a long and busy day,
Adrian / Billy / Paul / Moses / Stephen / Niall / Kevin H ( injured but may play) / Daniel ( injured ) / Jakey ( management ) .We have asked Oslo to join with us and they have yet to confirm.
That means have max 15 travelling.
Travel details
We will be travelling down on the morning of the tournament.That means an early start .We ''ll meet at our usual place (Jet Station Heden ) at  5.45am on Saturday morning 15 september.Ready to go for 6am.Paul is taking the minibus from Volvo and Jakey is driving his car.Stina and Mia are travelling down on the Friday so if somebody wants to travel with Stina 's car,talk to Stina. ( she has her own travel plans ) Otherwise , the remainder will leave on Saturday morning.
Cost breakdown for CPH trip ( provisional ) & accomodation details
Based on the following ie  travelling down same morning in cars/taking the bridge/staying one night only.
 We are staying at the Hotel Saga
 Colbjornsensgade 18-20, Copenhagen, DenmarkDK 1652.
See the web page itself for more details and pictures.it seems a nice gaffe.!  www.sagahotelcopenhagen.com
See below the booking information and pricing info.I have booked places for 16 people as things can happen on the day of the tournament etc.I have already paid the deposit .
The rooms I have booked are 2 x 4 people sharing / 1 x 5 people sharing / 1 x 3 people sharing.
 Reference number: 4304-7670142
Name: William Finn
Check-in: 15/09/12
Check-out: 16/09/12
Nights: 1

Room details: Budget 5 person (Shared bathroom)
People: 5
Cost per person: SEK 249.14
Total: SEK 1,245.70
Room details: Budget 4 person (Shared bathroom)
People: 8
Cost per person: SEK 260.21
Total: SEK 2,081.68
Room details: Budget Triple (Shared bathroom)
People: 3
Cost per person: SEK 276.82
Total: SEK 830.46
Total: SEK 4,157.84
10.00% payment *: SEK 415.78
Booking Fee: None
Total Paid**: SEK 415.78
Balance due on departure ***: SEK 3,742.06
Petrol and bridge costs
Cost is 375 Sek per trip so total cost for 2 cars for trip both ways is 1500 sek.With 14/15 people travelling by car this breaks down to 100 sekper person ( maybe 90 sek ).Petrol costs for 2 cars is maybe 120 per person so total costs for petrol and bridge per person  ----- 220 sek per person .

tournament fee
based on previous fees, i would expect the fee to be around 300 sek which will include evening  dinner,lunch and water drinks throughout the day,
In effect the cost break down is ( per person)
accomodation - 280 sek max
petrol and bridge - 100 sek
tournament fee ( may be actually lower but we'll take 300 sek as the normal figure ) - 300 sek
 = 680 sek per person ( max )
The good news is that with the fundraising golf event next weekend , we will be able to partially if not totally offset one of these costs so its in your and the clubs best interests that you help and bring along some people ( & money ) to the fundraiser next week...!!!!
think thats it .if youve anymore questions or your plans or changing . please text or let me know on 072 3704037.There s nothing worse than being told at the last minute ... !!!
Thanks all and here s to a cracking weekend in Copenhagen

Copenhagen Tournament Information Pack / Gothenburg GAA Golf Classic

Hello all
Please see attached Copenhagen tournament information pack .Please review .As it says, the email for the actual draws will follow.Hopefully , our matches ( mens and ladies ) w'ont clash so we can watch and support each other's games.We ll discuss coaches and mentors for both on training next Tuesday.
Good idea to print out a copy and just have it with you
As it says on the pack, the reg fee is 250 dkk.Please ensure you bring money ( Danish ) with you to the pitch etc.There is no ATM not even close to the pitch and the treasurer appreciates that all the money is given in one go,,, ideally at registration time.( easier just to get it out of the way ) .So therefore we will collect the money( Danish money  that morning either on the bus or cars or at the pitch that morning.
This is the final list of people that are playing /  attending / means of trasnsport .Im sure there will be a veg option at the dinner as there has been no set menu sent out.I would say its buffet with a mix of everything .
Jessica ( playing ) meal requirement forwarded to CPH / in car Saturday
Madde ( playing / in car Saturday )
Triona ( playing / in car Saturday )
Josefin ( playing / in car Saturday )
Therese ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Caoimhe ( playing / in car Saturday )
Grace ( playing / in car Saturday )
Laura (playing / in car Saturday )  
Billy ( playing / in car Saturday )
Adrian ( playing / in car Saturday )
Paul Curley ( playing / in car Saturday )
Niall ( playing / in car Saturday )
Daniel ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Stephen ( playing / in car Saturday )
Moses ( playing / in car Saturday )
Kevin ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Jakey ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Mia ( playing / travelling Friday )
Stina ( playing / travelling Friday )
Please advise me asap if you intend to stay for dinner etc as i need to advise Copenhagen of the final numbers of players / dinner / lunch packs etc by next Sunday 9th.
Also based on the above numbers travelling by car Saturday ( 17 )  , we may need an extra car now as we only have 14 places in the 2 cars currently ( 9 seater and regular 5 seater )  .Stina, could you take someone Friday if they are willing to go down or Josefin, would you be willing to drive your car on Saturday.
Just found out today that Oslo will not be joining with the men.They only have 3 to travel so are not coming.That means we will be Gothenburg on our own with players from other teams.
GAA Classic
All the players are now down for the Gothenburg GAA classic.To those who are not playing but are members of the club , it would be great if some of you came along after 1pm and helped with the raffle.We have a few prizes and the golf club have other societies there as well on the day so there should be a good crowd..Also, i know its last minute but if any one can bring raffle prizes on the day it would be great.Its all for the club and if no-one from the club is there,it kind of defeats the purpose.For those of you coming , the provisional order of the day is
8am - 9am .. Tee off times (
BBQ Buffet available in restaurant from midday on.( Cost 50 sek ) so thats a good time to make ye re way out to the clubhouse.The golf club is busy on saturday so make sure you get the food ....
12:30 pm to 2.30pm  -- golfers will start to arrive back to clubhouse .
3pm on .. chill and chat,..
Selling of raffle tickets will be ongoing from midday on.
Golf  Prize giving ceremony between 4pm and 5pm
Raffle to take place before or after prize giving ceremony.
After that, chill out relax , have a few beers and lets get our strategies set for next weekend.
The golf restaurant is owned and run by Kevin Moorhouse, our president , and his wife Tina so we'll also be helping and supporting their business.A big thanks to Tina for doing the food and helping organise the tee off times with the  golf club.
As i said,any musicians among ye , please come out.There is a fine pool table out there so we maybe could have a pool comp or i could even bring one of my quizzes if there is enough of a crowd.Sure what else would you be doing on a saturday evening ?
Otherwise see ye all at training on Tuesday evening thereafter ...

Training / other news / Copenhagen trip II

Hello all
Afer a good session again at training at Thursday night , the following is the situation as regards the Copenhagen trip.
The following people will not be attending for work / family reasons ( totally forgivable) !!!
Eoin / Tom / Mal / Declan / David
The following people may be travelling pending confirmation & recovery from injury
Kevin / Ossian
The following men are willing to travel although not all will play
Billy / Stephen / Adrian / Paul / Moses / Niall / Daniel ( injured and cant play ) , Jakey ( mgt )
The following ladies are willing to travel
Jessica / Mia/Therese / Stina / Madde / Josefin ( subject to confirmation) / Maria ( pending recovery from injury ) / Delia ( pending confirmation ) / Triona Byrne ( new girl pending confirmation ) Malin Kentsdotter and  .2 other new girls who may be joining and travelling.
Siret & Arja ( I think thats her name )  from Tailinn will also be joining Gothenburg on the day,
That makes 6 men definite players , 2 maybe 's
 8 girls and 2 maybe's plus 2 from Tailinn.
As per discussions and cost considerations, its been decided to travel down early from Gothenburg the morning of the tournament.We will have the minibus from Volvo ( from Paul -- blame Volvo last time) and 1 or 2 other cars if needed.
To that end , I really need to know quickly if u are travelling.I am trying to book accomodation by Monday night and the places in the last place where we stayed ( Danhostel city ) are going fast.Please let me know either by text / call / email reply to this mail if you are travelling or otherwise.( my new nr is 072 370 4037 ) .Based on numbers above , i will book places for 16 people for the saturday night only.
As the Gothenburg men will not have a full team ,we have asked Oslo if they would consider joining forces on the day,They will also not have a full panel on the day and they are currently considering the option.im sure we'll hear back soon.
Finally, there is an outside chance that the girls will have their own kit on the day,Negotiations are going on behind the scenes will buyer & supplier.Hopefully this will happen but lets wait and see.
We have secured tee times at Lerjedalen GK onSaturday  september 8th between 9 and 11 am for our annual Gothenburg GAA golf classic.I will be creating a facebook event once i have confirmed cost details with the golf club but it will be in the region of 400 sek for dinner and green fees with a portion of fees going to the club.Please let me know if you or a golfing friend wish to play.Due to issue from last year , the club have imposed a no hackers policy with people at least being able to play golf only been asked to play.( preferably with a golf ID or other foreign membership ) .However, all are welcome on the day as we may be able to have some music on the day and the club have a great selection of beers on hand.More details to follow once i have numbers etc.we have 6 x 4 fourball tee times  ( 24 players ) so it would be great if we could fill those spots.
There may also be a table quiz before September 15th ( either 5th or 12 th septemer ) at North & South on Viktoriagatan where i do the pub quiz.Details to be worked out but we may be able to take a percentage from the bar that night.Keep watching this space ....!!!
Overall, please get  back to me asap about the Copenhagen trip and the golf.Time is pressing !!!!!
Billy Finn
Gothenburg GAA club ...

Training / other news / Copenhagen trip

Following a very successful Malmo trip , our thoughts now turn towards training and preparation for Copenhagen.There will be full match reports from Malmo soon but first we need to get important details sorted out first .
Training re commences this Thursday at 7pm on Hisingen.Please look up Gothenburg GAA s facebook page for directions etc.
Copenhagen Pan Euros
The first thing we need to know is who is actually intent on going.Due to proximity of tournament, we needto know who is going either by training on Thursday or latest  next Sunday 26th,----
Cost breakdown for CPH trip ( provisional )
Based on the following
a- travelling down same morning in cars/taking the bridge/staying one night only.
(based on 16 people travelling with people staying in 2 x 6persons private rooms and 1 x4 persons private rooms..at Danhostel City Copenhagen )
3627 sek divided by 16 - 225 sek
1 nights accomodation - 225 per person
2 nights accomodation - 550 per person
if we are staying 2 nights round that up to 550 sek for 2 nights
petrol & bridge fee
based on 1 borrowed minibus and 2 cars
150 sek per person and fee of 750 sek per car ( this breaks down to 50 sek per person ) - 200 sek per person
tournament fee
based on previous fees, i would expect the fee to be around 300 sek
accomodation  -
1 nights accomodation - 225 per person
2 nights accomodation - 550 per person
petrol & bridge fee
 200 sek per person  
tournament fee
300 sek per person
in effect if we stay the two nights is 1000 plus kronor ( 1 night 725 sek )in total.
These figures are without any donation from Gothenburg GAA club but will hope to alleviate some of the cost on people within the next 3 weeks.We are currently trying to work out a last minute sponsorship strategy and submit it in the next week.if we get it,we will have funds for Copenhagen.

Otherwise, if u re not doing anything this or any other wednesday night, I resume as quizmaster at North & South American sports bar this Wednesday at 7pm on Viktoriagatan.I am discussing a possible date for a fundraiser quiz with them as well as making it our official meeting place ....


The Draw for Round 3 Malmo

Just in case you did nt get it...heres the draw for Saturday.

as it stands, the ladies will be prepped by myself and Declan.Jakey is not going now due to a family sickness.We will warm up together and will stay for the first half of your match.Declan will stay until the end of your first game.

Same thing for your 2nd match.we'll have to see how it works out as these times are never stuck to.but we'll try and have someone on the sidelines for you at all times...

i can take no more accomodation cancellations .if u cancel now, u will have to pay...!!!

lets get it on !!!


Ok ladies & gents,

here is the draw for Saturday. Apologies for the delay as unfortunately Copenhagen Ladies have dropped out so the CCC had to rewrite the draw. 

Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday for a great day! 

Forecast for Saturday.....perfect....warm, cloudy, no rain!

Inline images 1

Is mise le meas

Joe Whelan
Secretary Malmö GAA Club, Sweden
Runaí CLG Malmö, An tSúlainn

RTE radio documentary II

 Background to the RTE person who will be there in Malmo on Saturday ...
Pat O'Mahony  wrote:
Hello all,

Thanks Philip for the introduction.

I have indeed been fortunate enough to get funding to make an RTÉ Radio 1 documentary that will feature the final leg of the Scandinavian Championships in Mal this weekend so look forward to meeting some/all of you there.

The documentary, A Silver Lining, will primarily be a look at how the ongoing recession in Ireland has affected the GAA abroad, as told through the eyes of the Stockholm Gaels in particular.  For instance, many argue that the devastation caused at club and county level here in Ireland by emigration has actually benefitted foreign clubs so assessing this will be high on my agenda.  I'll also be interested to see the role these clubs play in assimilating both new arrivals and the local native communities.

Saturday sounds like it should be a blast, whatever the outcome on the pitch.

If in the meantime any of you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch.

PS. No, sadly I won't have any room for crisps, tea bags or rashers.  :)


RTE radio documentary

FYI ...
 No swearing on the radio  next week !!
Philip O'Connor  wrote:
A chairde,

I'd like to thank the Tallinn and Helsinki clubs for a brilliant day last Saturday - their appearance on the seen has been a fantastic boost for us all. Tallinn organised a great event and Helsinki played some good football- the future bodes well for the region.

I recently got the good news that RTE have commissioned a radio documentary about us here in Scandinavia - they're sending a producer (Pat O'Mahony) to join us in Stockholm next week, where he'll then take part in the minibus drive down and attend the Malmö tournament on the Saturday. 

On the day he'll be recording short interviews with players, partners and friends alike, as well as capturing the atmosphere of the biggest tournament of the year. It's a great opportunity for us to keep European GAA on the agenda back home and to continue the work that our region has been doing in terms of lifting the profile of the games abroad. 

Pat will be in touch with you all soon to introduce himself - I've worked with him before and he is both a consummate professional and a very decent fella (for a Kildare man)...

Looking forward to seeing you all at the final tournament of the season next week! 

Best Regards,