Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Copenhagen Tournament Information Pack / Gothenburg GAA Golf Classic

Hello all
Please see attached Copenhagen tournament information pack .Please review .As it says, the email for the actual draws will follow.Hopefully , our matches ( mens and ladies ) w'ont clash so we can watch and support each other's games.We ll discuss coaches and mentors for both on training next Tuesday.
Good idea to print out a copy and just have it with you
As it says on the pack, the reg fee is 250 dkk.Please ensure you bring money ( Danish ) with you to the pitch etc.There is no ATM not even close to the pitch and the treasurer appreciates that all the money is given in one go,,, ideally at registration time.( easier just to get it out of the way ) .So therefore we will collect the money( Danish money  that morning either on the bus or cars or at the pitch that morning.
This is the final list of people that are playing /  attending / means of trasnsport .Im sure there will be a veg option at the dinner as there has been no set menu sent out.I would say its buffet with a mix of everything .
Jessica ( playing ) meal requirement forwarded to CPH / in car Saturday
Madde ( playing / in car Saturday )
Triona ( playing / in car Saturday )
Josefin ( playing / in car Saturday )
Therese ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Caoimhe ( playing / in car Saturday )
Grace ( playing / in car Saturday )
Laura (playing / in car Saturday )  
Billy ( playing / in car Saturday )
Adrian ( playing / in car Saturday )
Paul Curley ( playing / in car Saturday )
Niall ( playing / in car Saturday )
Daniel ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Stephen ( playing / in car Saturday )
Moses ( playing / in car Saturday )
Kevin ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Jakey ( not playing / in car Saturday )
Mia ( playing / travelling Friday )
Stina ( playing / travelling Friday )
Please advise me asap if you intend to stay for dinner etc as i need to advise Copenhagen of the final numbers of players / dinner / lunch packs etc by next Sunday 9th.
Also based on the above numbers travelling by car Saturday ( 17 )  , we may need an extra car now as we only have 14 places in the 2 cars currently ( 9 seater and regular 5 seater )  .Stina, could you take someone Friday if they are willing to go down or Josefin, would you be willing to drive your car on Saturday.
Just found out today that Oslo will not be joining with the men.They only have 3 to travel so are not coming.That means we will be Gothenburg on our own with players from other teams.
GAA Classic
All the players are now down for the Gothenburg GAA classic.To those who are not playing but are members of the club , it would be great if some of you came along after 1pm and helped with the raffle.We have a few prizes and the golf club have other societies there as well on the day so there should be a good crowd..Also, i know its last minute but if any one can bring raffle prizes on the day it would be great.Its all for the club and if no-one from the club is there,it kind of defeats the purpose.For those of you coming , the provisional order of the day is
8am - 9am .. Tee off times (
BBQ Buffet available in restaurant from midday on.( Cost 50 sek ) so thats a good time to make ye re way out to the clubhouse.The golf club is busy on saturday so make sure you get the food ....
12:30 pm to 2.30pm  -- golfers will start to arrive back to clubhouse .
3pm on .. chill and chat,..
Selling of raffle tickets will be ongoing from midday on.
Golf  Prize giving ceremony between 4pm and 5pm
Raffle to take place before or after prize giving ceremony.
After that, chill out relax , have a few beers and lets get our strategies set for next weekend.
The golf restaurant is owned and run by Kevin Moorhouse, our president , and his wife Tina so we'll also be helping and supporting their business.A big thanks to Tina for doing the food and helping organise the tee off times with the  golf club.
As i said,any musicians among ye , please come out.There is a fine pool table out there so we maybe could have a pool comp or i could even bring one of my quizzes if there is enough of a crowd.Sure what else would you be doing on a saturday evening ?
Otherwise see ye all at training on Tuesday evening thereafter ...

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