Saturday, January 17, 2015

Things to do 2015

Hello lads and lassies
Hope all is well..
 i know its the off season but it would be no harm getting our heads together to see how we can kick off next year and get cracking
A few things off tthe top of my head that we have to start thinking about
1/Indoor training -- we need to look at a place to train and get fit again.we always leave it to last minute and are then goosed for a place to train.Other teams have started already!Kelly , what about gothenburg Celtic ?
Perhaps a Gothenburg GAA pre-Christmas run in Skatas or Slottskogen  just to meet up and have a short run out and get the spirit going-- maybe a drink afterwards ? what do ye think

2/AGM date and venue.
3/Gothenburg hosting a round next year--- more than likely we will host with June 12 as the preferred date.we need to talk to Joel and Bersekers to confirm Kviberg for  next year ( Niall , could you make contact with them?) we need to get an organising committee to get things down on paper and see what needs to be done...
4/ St Patricks day party in Portugese club--- i am in contact with the Portugese club committe so set a date for this...
5/ New players-- need to start posting posters in sports club etc to attract new players etc,.now is the time to do it .. need to see whose in the universities and see if any new Irish Erasmus players have come to Gothenburg

anyway , just thought id throw these thoughts together and get a head start!
god bless

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