Monday, June 20, 2011

No Training 16th June

Hi all, just to let you know there is no training tonight Thursday in Kviberg. Need to let the bodies recover after last weekend. Next training session will be a timed run in Skatas on Wednesday 22nd June in Skatas at 7pm. Your attendance is greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that we need to organise for Stockholm and Ireland soon so get your thinking caps on as regards raising funds for these trips !!

Accomodation for June 11th - 2nd Update

Hello all

Just to inform you that accomodation has been booked for the weekend of June 11th at the following

*Danhostel Copenhagen City in Copenhagen, Denmark

Its fairly central and seems to be of a good standard( not that we'll be staying there long anyway).As with all hostels,bring your own bed linen or you can get them down there at the desk for 60 dkk.Sleeping bags not allowed.

we 're booked in for arrival time 6pm but we'll have to see how the day goes..

I did nt order breakfast for us as im sure we'll be having a late breakfast anyway at Johnno's place.!!

Have a look at the website for yourself for further info.

The cost of the accomodation will be covered by Gothenburg GAA club.A breakdown of further costs will be sent in a mail this week.

As agreed , we will leave early on Saturday morning( probably 6.30pm ish-definitely not later than 7am)

I take it that all ( except David Burke ) will be staying here.Let me know if things are changing as 12 people are booked in for accomodation.

Billy, Dec, Niall, Adrian, Brendan, Stephen, Daniel, Jessica, kevin H, Noelie, Jakey, Greg

ps Remember training tonight Kviberg 6.30pm Monday

all the best


Accomodation for June 11th - Update

Hello again
Just to clarify that 600 sek is the cost per person for the weekend.( 300 sek for van/petrol/toll) and 300 sek for reg fee( meal/lunch/registration).
Jessica ( travel only) will pay a reduced amount.
Accomodation has been paid for already.
Please bring the money to training thursday evening ie 600 sek.
thanks and regards

Accomodation for June 11th

Hello all

Here s a breakdown of the cost for the weekend.

Mini-bus - 1200 sek
Toll - 1440 sek ( 4 x single trips)
Petrol - 100 sek per person

12 people travelling so this works out at 320 sek per person.This excludes the 300 sek ( 250 dkk) payable to Cope nhagen GAA on the day which covers reg fee,evening meal and lunch.

Gothenburg GAA may be able to pay for the mini-bus which will reduce the cost further.any money left over can go to a few drinks at the end of evening.

take into consideration we may have to get taxis from hostel to meal venue and back into town again if we are running late.we'll share the cabs but they 'll still maybe 150 dkk for the night.

last thing, training thursday evening currently in Kviberg at may change to slottskogen if kviberg is unavailable.if its ok,please try and bring the money thursday evening(including reg fee).this will save alot of hassle over the weekend..

thanks again and here's to gothenburg GAA on tour...


Billy Finn
Gothenburg GAA Club

Directions for Cph

FYI - Attached are the directions for tomorrow.
- Directions to the Pitch (from Öresunds Bridge)
- Directions from the pitch to the Hostel
- Directions from the Hostel to the Venue for the evening meal.
I will print off some copies of each.
As discussed at training last night we are departing from the Dubliner tomorrow morning at 06.30 and meeting up with the lads at Kungsbacka and Varberg on the way.
See you bright and early in the morning!!

Copenhagen Info Pack

Hello all

Please see attached info pack for the Copenhagen tournament.Can someone print 3 copies of
  1. directions to the pitch
  2. directions to the hostel from the pitch
  3. directions from the hostel to the meal venue ( we'll probably take taxis if we're behind time)
As mentioned below the fee or the day is 250 Danish kronor ( 300 sek).I would say the easiest is to lodge the money over the next few days to the account on the pack and make sure your name is mentioned when you pay on the internet.or else pay it on the day.

As its stands,we'll be travelling with one mini-bus and 1 car.Mini-bus ( 8 seater ) has been booked.If more people travel, we'll need an 2 cars .Ill drive one ( either mine or another ).. who'\s up for driving the mini-bus.? Deal is who drives down does nt have to drive back so they can have a few drinks saturday night.

Training is now every thursday ( instead of monday )in Kviberg .ready to go for 7pm.need to put a bit of work in , yah ?

all the best

Irish Examiner - Championship 2011 supplement & PODCAST service

Dear all

Please find attached a copy of an article on GAA units outside Ireland and the impact of the recession on numbers etc.

The Examiner is also establishing a podcast service and would be delighted to hear of, and interview clubs, about any relevant news, events, tournaments etc. Contact Colm at:


Tony Bass
European Board

Latest European GAA news & updates on FACEBOOK

The European Board would like to encourage all clubs, members and friends of European GAA to sign up, "like" or even comment on the latest news and events on our Facebook page ( This is the best way to stay informed about developments on and off the pitch - and to leave comments, insert links to your club events, news, pics etc.

The more people that sign up and visit our page the better it looks for potential sponsors etc., so please circulate this email to all members and friends of your club and ask them to pass along this message!

Tony Bass
European Board