Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Göteborgs Idrottsallians - Testa football

Göteborgs Idrottsallians

Testa football, cricket, lacrosse m.m.


Vill du känna känslan av att göra en touchdown? Vågar du pröva dina vingar och testa på en specky? Eller vill du höra domaren ropa "Strike, your'e out!" efter det perfekta kastet?

Låter detta som något för dig? Kom då till Kanaltorget där du kan pröva australisk och amerikansk fotboll, baseball, softball, cricket, gaelic football, landhockey, lacrosse och ultimate frisbee.

Det spelar ingen roll vem du är, tjej eller kille, ung eller gammal, ALLA är välkomna!

Ta chansen!
Göteborgs Idrottsallians är ett samarbete mellan åtta olika idrotter som tillsammans vill uppmärksamma våra fantastiska idrotter. Tillsammans vill vi ge alla möjligheten att få testa idrotter som inte är speciellt vanliga i Sverige.

Tisdag 14/8 | Kanaltorget - 14.00 - 20.00

Onsdag 15/8 | Kanaltorget - 14.00 - 20.00

Torsdag 16/8 | Kanaltorget - 14.00 - 20.00

Fredag 17/8 | Kanaltorget - 14.00 - 20.00

Lördag 18/8 | Kanaltorget - 14.00 - 20.00

Gaelic football: Gothenburg Vs Malmö; Ladies Friendly!

Saturday @ 13:00 until 15:00
Kvibergs fotbollsplaner, Göteborg, Sweden

    Vår första vänskapsmatch!
Har ni ännu aldrig bevittnat Gaelic Football så är det dags nu!
Använd denna junieftermiddag till att mysa i gräset, heja på lagen eller skratta och peka när vi tappar bollen -kul för hela familjen!
Och göm inte bjuda in era vänner!

Our first friendly!
Have you yet not witnessed any Gaelic Football is this the time!
Invite all your friends and tell them to come cheer us on!

Mer info kommer - More info shortly!

Gothenburg GAA Newsletter June 2012

Hello all and welcome to the June edition of Gothenburg GAA newsletter.


June 19th is the last confirmed training session in Kviberg.This is mainly due to the fact that we d'ont and c'ant have it booked after June 19th.Of course, other sessions can be organised during July in Slottskogen but space is at a premium there and also after this weekend,midsummer and vacation kicks in so people may not be about.Training recommences for ladies and men on Tuesday 31st July.As the girls traim as well on Thursdays, itll be good to keep something going in july so they re right and ready for August tournaments.

Friendlies & Tournaments

On 30 th June ,Gothenburg GAA ladies will play their first ever friendly against Malmo GAA ladies at Kviberg at 1pm.Your support on this day for them is greatly appreciated.Unfortunately, it falls on the same day that our mens team compete in the 2nd round of the Nordic championship with the boys visting Oslo for the 1st time.We need some help with the following :

-- will someone from the guys team who isnt travelling to Oslo but staying in Gothenburg please act as mentor and trainer to the girls? They deserve to have someone on the sidelines.Both their trainers ( im in the States and Paul is in Oslo) are away and the girls have been putting in a tremendous amount of work this year.

--- we have use of the pitch but if someone could adapt the smaller soccer goals up there by just adding some wooden goalposts on the Friday night or the Saturday morning ? Otherwise, theyll just have to play into the soccer goals or adapt the Aussie posts which is far more work ?

--- Mia said she can organise kit for the ladies on the day but if anyone can get kit , please advise Mia so we are not left with any kit ?

Food will be served later in the Lokal off Drottninggatan after the match so please contact Mia for details .

Also, for the boys.If ye are intending travelling to Oslo , please advise myself or Paul Curley immediately.Paul is trying to organise accomodation in Oslo at a reasonable price but needs numbers.So far the people confirmed for travelling and staying one night are Moises,Ossian,Paul,Paul 's brother,friend of Paul.Magnus ( new guy ) is 50% sure of going and Niall is going subject to injury progression.David Burke and Keith Creamer are intending to travel and return same day.if we are short we'll be borrowing players from Oslo.A huge thank you to all who are going as I know how much of a commitment it is.Also, for any new people going, we need your personal details so they can be registered on the GAA system for registration purposes.

Gothenburg GAA Golf Classic

This year we will be holding our second GAA golf classic.We are just waiting on dates from the golf club and this year we may be holding it with Gothenburg Celtic soccer team as our co-partners.Details to follow.

Have a wonderful midsummer and Gothenburg Abu !!!!!

Is mise le meas
Liam O Finn
Gothenburg GAA

Meet for a few drinks Friday night

Meet for a few drinks Friday night (Early June)

For those of you not on Facebook, we will meet for a few drinks on Friday night in Lokal at around 8pm.  Lokal is on Kyrkogatan 11 (just a short walk from Domkyrkan tram stop).

Training June 5th

Just to confirm there is training tonight in Kviberg 6.30pm.Pitch 17.

Just also need to confirm the names of people who will be there for the exhibition for Sports day on saturday,i will have the program of events on thursday so we know where to go ...

names so far

Stephen G
David Burke

who else can make it ?

Lördag gäller det! . Kviberg 9 Jun

Hello all
Please see below information about Saturday.As below ive just written a basic outline as to what we ll be below, we have to be at plan 7 and 8 in Kviberg no later than 10.30 so we can organise what the score is.For those who said they ll attend, please do so even if u have a hangover!!!!!This is a great way of showcasing our game and getting state funding.
please print out posters and spread the word.its a family day as well so bring em all along !!!
Hello Joel
Just to confirm what our plans are for Saturday .We will be there at plan 7 and 8 from 10.30 on .
1 We will have about 10 players in all ( maybe more split evently between ladies and men)
2. We will play a game of backs and forwards ( mixed game for mens and women)
3, We will then invite anybody who wants to try the game to play a simple passing drill with the players and then to try and beat the goalkeeper.
4.I will also bring hurleys so people can also try the game of hurling.A simple game of ground hurling and simple pick up.If time and space permits ,we will have a long shot competition for beginners.
5.We will wear our team jerseys and try to have a small consolation prize for top scorer or long shot.
see u saturday
Hej Alliansen!

Nu är vi igång på riktigt! För er som inte var med i torsdags vill jag bara säga att ni missade ett historiskt möte då vi nu officiellt har startat Göteborgs Idrottsallians! Mäktigt! Hoppas alla är lika nöjda som jag, för nu börjar det roliga, redan på lördag smäller det ju!

Mötesprotokollet och stadgarna kommer att skickas ut i veckan så fort våra justeringspersoner läst igenom dem.

Inför lördag så skall varje idrott/klubb skicka in en planering över hur ni vill att dagen skall se ut för er. Denna skall skickas senast nu på torsdag. Detta gör att vi så mycket som möjligt kan samarbeta med olika arrangemang och dylikt så att vi inte strular till det under dagen. T.ex. tänker Baseballen köra lite "beeball" för de allra minsta (3-7år) mellan 11-12, GAA har tänkt att köra en liten uppvisningsmatch. Nämn gärna hur många ni är från varje klubb som är intresserade av att hjälpa till, så att jag på ett ungefär vet hur många aktiva som är där under dagen.

Alla klubbar skall också ställa upp med en liten tävling för de som prövar på så att det blir extra skoj. Den person som får bäst poäng från varje idrott kommer att vinna ett spännande pris. Är det någon som har något fräckt från er klubb som vi kan använda som pris vore det också grymt.

Jag/Berserkers kommer att ställa upp ett partytält samt anordna ett litet fik så att vi får in pengar för planhyran. Här kan vi också sälja klubbars merchendise och dylikt. Vi tänkte lite dricka, godis o grilla lite korv så vi har nått i alla fall.

Passa nu på och sprida ryktet om lördag, bifogar därför våra posters.

Jag kommer vara vid planerna från cirka kl.10. Hade uppskattat ifall alla som skall hjälpa till är där vid denna tid.

Plan 7 o 8,  kl.11-14.

Jag har också gjort alliansens första intervju, vilken ni kan läsa på sidan 6 och framsidan om ni följer denna länk;

Har också bekräftat med Kulturkalaset och vi kommer få en yta på cirka 30x20 meter. Mer info om detta kommer.

Nästa möte blir är onsdagen den 13 juni, vid Landhockeys lokaler på Von Utfallsgatan 21. Kommer att skicka ut en kallelse till detta snart också.

Har ni några frågor innan lördag så tveka inte att höra av er!

Glöm inte att skicka in en planering innan torsdag!

Ser verkligen framemot detta!


Joel Språng

Göteborgs Idrottsallians
Vision; Kvibergs sportcenter - idrott för alla!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Gothenburg GAA Newsletter May 2012

Hello all

Another edition of the Gothenburg GAA Newsletter to keep you all informed of current happenings.

Review of Round 1 Stockholm Nordic Football Championship 

There will be another in-depth match reports summary from the day bit overall it was a fantastic day for Gothenburg GAA club.The mens team recorded one loss,two wins and a draw against the much-vaunted Stockholm A team.All 16 players on the day played their part immensely and it has put Gothenburg GAA firmly back on the map.Gothenburg Ladies GAA also collected their first points ever in the Scandinavian championship when they teamed up with Tailinn and played some great football.Our newcomer  Therese even got a mention at the awards ceremony.

All in all a very successful day and in particular Mike Glennon who came all the way from Dublin to play.. thank you so much Mike.

Training Schedule May / June / August 

We have now confirmed in agreement with Gothenburg Berserkers that we will train every Tuesday night from 6.30pm to 8pm on the pitch in Kviberg( pitch 17 ) going forward.We will train once a week in June and once a week in August ( maybe twice a week coming up to tournaments) .Unless otherwise notified , this is our day of training for both men and women ( the bererskers wont be training everytime so sometimes we will have the pitch to ourselves ) 

Rd 2 Oslo June 30th /( Nordic Football Championship ) 

2nd round Mens is coming up soon and we need to know of peoples intentions for attending.Just to let you know , we already have quite a few absentees ( for work or various other reasons  - Mal,Kevin,Billy,Daniel,Eoin ).That does nt mean we cant send a team and it would be great to pick up the points for the Scandinavian championship.So who would like to travel.?Please let me know soonest.The general intention is to travel up the morning of the tournament and stay just one night in Oslo.

There is no ladies tournament in Oslo so no ladies travelling.

Ladies  events 

There has been a great upsurge in interest and attendance from the ladies and their whole season is now geared towards the Malmo tournament in August.Huge work and thanks to Mia for all her work in recruiting and driving the team.... well done.

Their schedule of tournaments are as follows 

August 4th - Talinn ( European Ladies Championship) 
August 18th - Malmo ( Scandinavian championship ) 
Sep 15th - Copenhagen ( Pan-Euro 's ) 

Sponsorship and fundraising 

As with anything , for both teams to attend such tournaments , it needs time , effort and money.We have had only one fundraising event so far this year.We need another one shortly.Can I ask that the fundraising committee get together soon and review strategies.

On sponsorship updates , we are still chasing our resident Irish pub for funds but Mia has struck a deal in principle with Lokal Bar for a generous donation towards ladies kits.Great that this may be, its still not enough.we need other people to be chasing.So lets get off our asses and get thinking...

Gothenburg GAA Social night 

I think its time for another social night/ night out to welcome both old and new members of Gothenburg GAA even perhaps before midsummer or definitely before the end of June.Any particular dates in mind so people can plan ahead.Put forward your proposed dates and venues,

One venue may be North and South American Sports Bar on Viktoriagatan in the city where I am the resident quizmaster at 7pm every Wednesday night.( come on down, its free to enter ) .I have been talking to the owners about possible sponsorship so maybe a few drinks there and a bit of finger food , they might open their wallets to us.Let me know your preferred dates and venues as I know June is a busy month for alot of people...

June 9th Minority Sports day Kviberg 

On saturday June 9th , there is a minority sports day taking place in Kviberg .Basically , we are part of a  committee that is acrtivlely promoting and looking for funding for their respective sports.The sports represented are American football,softball,landhockey,
gaelic football,netball.All these sports will be on show on this day in Kviberg for a great family day and we have been asked ( mens and ladies combined ) to play a little bit of an exhibition game for the public so they can see our game and hopefully recruit new members.its on from 2pm and promises to be a great family day out.Anout 6 a side will do so we are looking for 10-12 volunteers for that day ( saturday ) ... who 's up for it ? let me know

is mise le meas
Liam o Finn
Gothenburg GAA

Scandinavia Regional Championships - Round 1

Mens tournament:
Final: Stockholm A 2-8, Oslo 0-7.
Stockholm A win the tournament.

Women's tournament:
Final: Stockholm 1: 2-6 Stockholm 2 1-10. Stockholm 2 win the tournament.

Group results:.

Stockholm A 0-7 Malmö 0-1
Gothenburg 0-8 Oslo 3-1
Malmö 2-5 Stockholm B 0-3
Gothenburg 1-3 Stockholm A 1-3
Stockholm B 0-0 Oslo 4-7
Malmö 1-2 Gothenburg 1-4
Oslo 0-1 Stockholm A 3-8
Gothenburg 1-6 Stockholm B 0-4
Oslo 1-9 Malmö 1-4
Stockholm B 3-3 Stockholm B 0-2

Ladies group:
Stockholm 1 7-9 Gothenburg/Talinn 1-4
Stockholm 1 0-4 Stockholm 2 1-5
Tallinn/Gothenburg 2-1 Stockholm 2 3-11

Stockholm Tournament info pack

Please see attached link to the info pack for the Stockholm tournament this weekend. (tournament fee on the day will be collected by me and Jakey and not transferred beforehand as the info pack asks for). Please review and print out your own copy so we all know the story.....
tks and regds

All-Ireland GAA Golf Challenge

Anyone be interested ?
A chara

Please see information below from the All-Ireland GAA Golf Challenge
in the magnificent Waterford Castle GC from Thursday, September 13th
to Saturday, September 15th.

As you will see they have arranged, via Belgium GAA President, Seán
Kelly MEP, and Celtic Link Ferries for free passage from Cherbourg to
Rosslare for teams competing. With fees, accommodation and meals at
200 euro per person for a 4 person team, this represents excellent
value for any golfers out there!

Prizes include a Waterford Crystal replica of the Liam McCarthy cup
worth 15,000 euro!, no to mention All Ireland medals and other prizes.

Whilst, unfortunately the dates clash with our European football
championship tournament in Vienna, there may be non-playing members of
your club who might be interested in participating and thus I would be
grateful if you could circulate this email to all members and friends
of your club.

Further details are available at:

If anyone is interested in entering a team (perhaps with club members
who are now based in Ireland) please let me know and I will verify and
forward your entry.

Kind regards
Tony, a chara,

I am writing to you in my role as PRO of the All-Ireland GAA Golf Challenge.

Held in Waterford Castle GC between September 13 and 15 this year, the
Challenge is in its 13th year and once again sees GAA clubs, each made
up of four-person teams, from across Ireland and abroad compete for
All-Ireland glory on the golf course over two days.

As we expand the Challenge with the assistance of our patron MEP and
former GAA president Seán Kelly, we are delighted to have secured free
ferry passes for four teams via our associate sponsor Celtic Link
Ferries between Cherbourg and Rosslare.

It means each team of four people need only pay the standard €800
entry fee, which includes golf, accommodation on the island resort and
all meals.

This year, we have a specially-commissioned Waterford Crystal
perpetual trophy, a replica of the Liam MacCarthy Cup, for the winners
as well as All-Ireland meals and weekend trips at the Waterford Castle

It is also our intention to have an overseas sub-competition.

In your position as secretary of the European board, we would be
delighted if you were to relay this email to all your affiliated

We have provisionally reserved four spots in anticipation.

For more details, don't hesitate to reply or visit

Is mise le meas,

Training Monday 7th May Kviberg 6.30pm

Hello all

Just a quick one to say that there is training (mens & ladies ) Monday
evening at 6.30pm in Kviberg ( pitch17 ) .No ladies training Tuesday
night due to 5km run in Slottskogen .



Training Thursday May 3rd Kviberg 6.30pm

Hello all
Just a quick message to say training is on this Thursday at 6.30pm to 8pm in Kviberg Sports complex.First outdoor grass session of the season.The pitch is way down at the back ( way down to the right of the green sheds.This will be our training pitch for the year.The Berserkers will be training at the same time but its a huge pitch so we'll be grand.
Also , final confirmation for travelling to Stockholm.Anyone intending to travel and needs accomodation and transport but has nt told me yet needs to do so today.List of names being submitted tonight

Training Wednesday 25th April

Guys and gals
Training this wednesday 25th April has to be cancelled.Myself and Kevin are unable to make it.If someone else wishes to take it , you are more than welcome.Otherwise,watch the mails for the next session.we may have one Sunday again but keep an eye out OK
Tks and regds

Accomodation/travel details and Stockholm tournament information

Hello all

Please see below information on final numbers and confirmation of accomodation and expected outlay of Stockholm trip next month .Please see hostel information at end of mail.Any questions or issues,let me know.This is being done now to avoid any last minute confusion or change of plans .!!)
 Travel details
 Travelling by mini-bus and staying Friday night in Hostels by Nordic ,Drottningatan
Niall / Declan / Andrew / Billy /Stephen G / Daniel/ Ossian  / Mia/ Delia /Jessica /Moses/Kevin H/ Tom / Noelie/Adrian K
Mike is only staying at hostel both nights ( no mini-bus )
( 15 travelling  by mini-bus / 16 staying )
Travelling by mini-bus and staying Saturday night in Hostels by Nordic,Drottningatan
Niall / Declan / Andrew / Billy /Stephen G / Daniel/ Ossian / Mia/ Delia /Jessica /Moses/Kevin H/ Mal / Noelie/Adrian K
Mike is only staying at hostel both nights ( no mini-bus )
(15 travelling by mini-bus / 16 staying)
Travelling and staying independently
Peter / David
 All,next Wednesday night 25th ( either by e-mail or at training) is the last night to confirm if you are coming ( apart from those who have confirmed ) .Aldo, can u let me know ? I have to give final figures to Stockholm and hostel.

Breakdown of costs ( figures are approximate )
 1 x Minibus - 2000 sek
1 x Minibus - 2000 sek
Accomodation - 2 nights at 280 sek per night ( am trying to get them down to 250 sek per night ) = 560 sek
Tournament fee - 250 sek ( this includes water / lunch / evening hotmeal on the day )
Gothenburg GAA will cover one of these costs ,more than likely the cost of the minibuses but in order to cover petrol costs ,it would be great if everyone could contribute maybe 100 sek to  sek to replenish the petrol for the return trip.( they should be full on collection )
I have told Stockholm that we will pay on the day but if the general consensus is that we pay in advance, let me know and ill get the account number for Stockholm.
Hostel info
 Bed linen is included but feel free to bring your own and / or and extra pillow.
Shower and toilet facilities are shared ( we are paying for location not home comforts!! ) Rooms are fine and clean.
Look at the website if you want more info.They know we are arriving late.We need to leave Göteborg no later than 6pm.We will decide on a meeting place closer to the time.
 Drottninggatan 83
111 60 Stockholm

New online GAA TV channel - content sought

Dear club secretary

Please find attached a note from our twinning partners Leinster Council who are establishing an online TV channel which will feature international units twinned with them along with a variety of 

Following a meeting at Congress, they have informed the ECB that they are currently looking for content in the form of news footage, videos shot by club members at tournaments,  interviews with club personalities, etc. Whilst good quality is preferred, many videos captured through smart phones or camcorders will also be quite usable and can be edited for broadcast. Coverage of all codes and youth activities is most welcome.

In due course, the European GAA website will have a link to this channel as yet another method of promoting our games and the work of our clubs.

Please consult your club members and let me know about any content you may have access to. I will then make arrangements for the transfer of footage which can be edited and and inserted into features about GAA in Europe.

Best regards


Hello all again
For those who it concerns, i've attached a link to the GAA Membership form for 2012.
Please see the rates as below as agreed at the AGM.
Either use this form by going directly into the bank or transferring the money by internet banking.
 Full playing member - 750 Sek
 Non-playing members / students - 350 sek.
Please state your name as reference as this easily helps us to identify who has paid membership.
Any questions or issues,please contact me or Jakey ...