Thursday, August 11, 2011

Training and other news - 20 July 2011

Hello all,
just a quick update on things happening in Gothenburg GAA circles

For the time being,we wont have any more sessions until the 1st Thursday in August (the 4th) at 7 p.m. in Slottskogen. Too many people away on hols etc. Please make sure ye do ye're own bit, a few LSR's combined with some interval training - need to build up the stamina for next month.

Stockholm tournament
Going to confirm figures for going by 1st August but if you haven't confirmed that you are going by now, please do so. Also, just learned this week that Copenhagen are not travelling. This will mean less matches and the chance that we may travel up the morning of the tournament if we have a later start... We might even take the train if its cheaper but otherwise take it that we are still taking the minibus and travelling up the friday night. We still need one volunteer car though, who is willing?
Based on current costs itll be 300 sek reg fee and 500 sek for the 2 nights accomodation. I know it seems expensive but this leads to my next point.

After a very productive meeting with the mgt of the Dubliner pub, they have agreed to sponsor us this year to the tune of 10000SEK. The main reason cited for sponsorship was the extreme cost of travelling to tournaments as well as the upcoming trip to Ireland for the Euro finals.

However, this is not enough on its own. With a breakdown of the costs for the Ireland trip, it turns out at around 2500 sek per person to travel/30000 sek for everything. The sponsorship will lessen the blow somewhat but if we could get more money together, this would considerably lessen the financial burden on people travelling. Therefore we need fundraising ideas and here are some that Declan came up with.

Pub quiz - have the hold this in August before our trip to Stockholm. One good turnout for this and we '' ll be good for Stockholm..possibly the 16th of August in the old Dubs.if we confirm the date with the Dubliner, we have to bring the people in and this will affect the sponsorship.are we agreed?please let me know by return of mail who would attend and how many people they could bring.

Sponsored parachute jump - i m booked to do a tandem parachute jump before the summer ends. I'm trying to see can i sort out the sponsorship end and not be hit with a tax bill of some sort at year end.if i get the green light, will ye sponsor me ? Jaysus,im jumping out of a plane for God s sake.

Irish trad night - have to have some sort of trad night for the GAA club before November.can discuss this at a later date ....

is mise le meas
Liam O Finn
Gothenburg GAA club

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