Thursday, June 20, 2013

{Viking Gaels Hurling} Viking/Nordic Hurling in 2013

Happy New Year to ye all lads.

We return to the mission of forming our hurling team in 2013. I know we've talked about it a bit last year and got a bit of communication going, but I'd really like to give it another push in 2013.
On a whim the other day I made a last minute bid to host a round of the 2013 Hurling & Camogie Championships in Malmo in order to try and stimulate both our own and European focus on hurling in the region.
Whilst the bid was appreciated it was sadly shot down by the powers at be, due to the failure of the Budapest experiment a few years ago, as Budapest hosted a round but failed to turn up to any other rounds.
A new rule has now been put in place that potential hosts must play in 2 rounds of the previous years Championship, which personally I believe kills the whole impetus of what we are trying to do.
Nevertheless, I don't believe that will put a stop to us.
Billy Finn (Gothenburg) is the new European Hurling Officer so we have local support to get us off the ground in 2013.
Yes we are well aware of the time and money constraints involved in playing a second sport.
Most of our clubs have small numbers of hurlers or a number of small hurlers :-D and we have even found some non-club members willing to hurl.

So I'd like to ask the following of all clubs:
•Please forward this message to all your club members
•Club committees to consider allocating a small proportion of your budget to hurling in 2013 to help club members with expenses if possible.
•Any interested Hurlers AND Camogie players to contact me and we'll add them to the Viking Gaels mailing list.
•Join the Facebook group Viking Gaels
•Consider having some sort of Hurling meet in the region early in the season.
Billy is now also a Master Tutor so perhaps we could have a mini coaching/7's weekend.

When we have all interested players accounted for we'll create an equipment register to see what we have in regards to weaponry and helmets and possibly approach our good friend the Hurling Officer for a grant of some sorts.
Rumour also has it that Lahti Hurling Club in Finland are making a comeback so there is ample opportunity for us to make 2013 a successful launch of the Viking Gaels.

Please feel free to contact me
All the best

Joe Whelan

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