Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Copenhagen Tournament

The Copenhagen tournament is upcoming on 22nd May. Pending names, we need to book accommodation very soon. Suggestion is to stay in the same place (Hotel Jorgensen) as we did last year. However, due to financial constraints it now looks more likely we will travel down on the Friday night and just stay one night. We will leave then directly after the meal on Saturday evening. This is of course up to you. Pending conversations from Stockholm, the following people are more or less committed to travel:
Male : Billy/Declan/Keith/Adrian Kelly/Eoin O Broin/Victor/Stephen Gorman
Female : Mia/Catherine Hayes (possibly)

As you can see, we are struggling for numbers this season. For those of you who have not been around so far, please advise of your willingness or otherwise to attend. For the new guys, thanks so much for showing up.

On the ladies front, the good news is that there will definitely be a combined Nordics team in Copenhagen so there will be a separate ladies tournament. So come on ladies, what better motivation than your own tournament? We will go through basic skills and rules when you attend but now we need you to be there!!!

The fee for the tournament is expected to be around 30 Euro per person but this is subject to confirmation. This fee includes registration fee, isotonic drink, fruit and your evening meal. Will confirm when Copenhagen pass on the final details.

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